Выбор хлебопечи

Choosing a bread machine. Everyone loves to enjoy fresh baked goods in the morning, but our age is an age of work and lack of free time. Unfortunately, in our country there are not a large number of bakeries and bakeries where it would be possible to purchase something to suit your taste.

There is a solution! We choose a bread machine and enjoy fresh baked goods every day. But here you will encounter a problem — what kind of bread maker do you need. There are several parameters by which its characteristics can be determined.  Let’s look at the main ones.

• Bread machine capacity. Each family eats a different amount of bread per day. Different types of containers can allow you to receive from 450 grams to 1500 grams of finished bread. There are also bread machines with one and several baking bowls.

• Bread machine size. Since each housewife has different free space, manufacturers have made bread machines of different sizes and types.

• Feature set. There are many of them: from the simplest kneading of dough to making jams and choosing the color of the crust. There are also quick baking modes.

• Availability of a display. It has the ability to suggest exactly what function the machine is performing at the moment.

Undoubtedly, most of us are guided by price when choosing, this is also important. Everything is logical: the lower the price, the fewer functions the future bread machine will have. It is better to try to choose an option that will combine a decent combination of price and quality.

If you plan to use your bread maker rarely, consider multicookers with a bread maker option — it is likely that such a universal gadget with wide functionality will become a more practical purchase for you.

But if you want to have fresh baked goods every day, then it’s worth buying a separate bread machine, because such equipment, developed specifically for baking, is adapted specifically to constant high temperatures during operation. And the number of different baking modes in such a narrow-profile gadget is greater than in multifunctional models.

There are five main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a bread machine. They determine how convenient the gadget will be to use, what types of bread and pastries can be prepared, and how long the device will last.

The last point, by the way, is especially important for those who plan to use this kitchen device almost every day — the gadget must have a sufficient margin of strength and heat resistance for use in hard mode.

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